Where Your Focus Goes, Grows

Where Your Focus Goes, Grows

Where Your Focus Goes, Grows LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! I’m spending a few days enjoying the coastline activities in Shelter Island, NY and even braving the cool water temps to body surf and find the wave’s sweet spot. While here, I’m adventuring with...
Visualization to Eliminate Negative Thinking

Visualization to Eliminate Negative Thinking

Visualization to Eliminate Negative Thinking CLICK PLAY BELOW For The 10-Min Releasing Negative Thinking Audio! https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/KS05-SV-EliminateNegativeThinking.mp3 When it comes to your brain, every thought releases brain...

Ageless Energy – 10-Min Stretch

Ageless Energy – 10-Min Stretch Stretching is a key to ageless energy.  Over time, tension and tightness can cause stiff joints and muscles that eventually lead to reduced mobility and aging. Doing a simple stretch sequence on a regular basis can dramatically...
Sleep… The New Status Symbol

Sleep… The New Status Symbol

Sleep… The New Status Symbol Dreamtime 30-Min Audio https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/KSPM01-SV-Dreamtime.mp3 The variety of unprecedented world events this year finds so many of us struggling to unglue from the constant news cycle, and...
Reach Your Peak Level of Vitality – 10 Min Focus Audio

Reach Your Peak Level of Vitality – 10 Min Focus Audio

Reach Your Peak LEVELS OF VITALITY! If you’re feeling scatterbrained and can’t focused on a task, or as though you’re getting lost trying to pay attention to a bunch of tings at once, lock in your focus with this 10-min “Focus”...
Untraditional Calming Technique

Untraditional Calming Technique

Untraditional CALMING TECHNIQUE Lights… camera…  action! I’m ready for this morning’s Move4Her LIVE VIRTUAL WORKOUT in Chicago.  If you’re looking for a high-energy way to amp up your day and get moving this morning, join me! Let’s...

Success One Step At A Time

Success One Step At A Time https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/KS07-Success-OneStepAtATime.mp3 My big goal for 2020 is to run a full marathon later this year! With goal setting, many times it’s easy to set a goal, and then life gets busy,...

3 Little-Known Facts About Kegels

3 Little-Known Facts About Kegels It’s time to talk about pee. As you go through your 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, changes happy in your body… and yes, changes even happen in your vagina.One in three women leak a little, a condition known as incontinence. But,...

Banana Tea Recipe for Better Sleep

Banana Tea Recipe for Better Sleep My go-to resource for all issues related to sleep is Dr. Michael Breus, “The Sleep Doctor.” He is a clinical psychologist with a specialty in sleep disorders. This week, his blog was packed with tips for better sleep...

Release Pain with Mindfulness Exercises

Release Pain with Mindfulness Exercises https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/KS01-SV-EnchantedForest.mp3  If you have ever experienced pain…either physical or emotional, you’ve likely tried more remedies than you can count. But, here’s a...