Where Your Focus Goes, Grows LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! I’m spending a few days enjoying the coastline activities in Shelter Island, NY and even braving the cool water temps to body surf and find the wave’s sweet spot. While here, I’m adventuring with...
Success One Step At A Time https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/KS07-Success-OneStepAtATime.mp3 My big goal for 2020 is to run a full marathon later this year! With goal setting, many times it’s easy to set a goal, and then life gets busy,...
5 Simple Solutions For All-Day Energy Skip your next latte. Step away from the caffeinated soda. Here are 5 simple strategies to help you power through even the Monday-est of Mondays… FOR WHEN YOU ACCIDENTALLY INDULGED If your morning meal set up the day for a...
Brain Tricks To Enhance Focus To Listen, Just Click Play! https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/focus-long-clip-023_TAOL_Daniel_Amen-mp3cut.net_.mp3 We’ve all been there…when your third cup of green tea isn’t powering you to the...
WHAT THE HECK ARE MITOCHONDRIA? Find out how to create the right environments so your mitochondria can thrive. https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/mitochondria-clip.mp3 A PERSONAL JOURNEY...ACHIEVING OPTIMAL HEALTHY BY HEALING THE MITOCHONDRIA...
EPISODE 55 | NAOMI WHITTEL | HOW AUTOPHAGY CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher Kathy Smith: Kathi, welcome to the show. Kathi Sharpe: Thank you very much and thank you for that lovely introduction. I’m thrilled to be here. Of...
Episode 46 | Kathy Smith | Where Your Focus Goes, Energy Flows! LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher PLANNING ON EATING A LITTLE TOO MUCH TURKEY AND PUMPKIN PIE? I SURE AM! TIME TO BURN SOME OF THOSE...
Episode 41 | Dr. Daniel Pompa | Your Guide To Ketosis LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher Follow Along With The Transcript: Kathy Smith: Dan, welcome to the show. Dan Pompa: Thank you for having me. Yeah, usually we have these talks hiking up a...
https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/KS02-SV-Concentration.mp3 Between a constantly pinging cell phone, hectic schedules and an overflowing to-do list, you’ve probably become accustomed to multi-tasking. But, trying to keep up only leads to...
Episode 40 | Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, M.S., N.D. | Bone Broth and Collagen—Your Best Defense Against Aging To Listen, Just Click Play! Dr. Kellyann Petrucci is a board-certified naturopathic physician and a certified nutrition consultant. She’s also the author of...