Where Your Focus Goes, Grows

I’m spending a few days enjoying the coastline activities in Shelter Island, NY and even braving the cool water temps to body surf and find the wave’s sweet spot.
While here, I’m adventuring with friends both new and old. As we get to learn more about one another, it’s common to start chatting about our professions. When they discover my connection to the fitness profession, they typically ask…
“How did you get started!?”
Today’s audio story will give you a little background into how and why I stepped into my career. It also includes one of the biggest gamechangers I learned along the way….
Where your focus goes, grows.
But that was then, and this is now. The lessons I learned 40 years ago serve me so well today. When you start to focus, you develop talents that support your interests. It’s like kindergarten all over again…learning something new every day.
There are many options in the upcoming decades of life. Start to focus on what you want, and let go of what’s blocking you. As you focus on themes of reinvention and regeneration, imagine how you see yourself in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond.
As you start to feel more centered, you start to feel more alive.