6 Ways Sugar Fast-Tracks Aging

6 Ways Sugar IMPACTS YOUR HEALTH Maybe you didn’t even know there’s a link between sugar and aging skin. But there definitely is! It’s possible those fine lines and wrinkles are due to genetics or even too many fun days in the sun. But I say…keep your friends...
4 Total-Body Moves… RESULTS YOU CAN SEE

4 Total-Body Moves… RESULTS YOU CAN SEE

4 Total-Body Moves RESULTS YOU CAN SEE Kickstart your fitness journey!  Today’s 4-move total body workout recruits multiple muscle groups and trains them to work as a team. The benefits? Improved metabolism and balance as well as a reduced risk of injury. Plus,...

Fine-Tune Your Midsection (8-Min Abs)

Fine-Tune Your Midsection 8-MIN ABS A toned midsection is on so many women’s wish-list because of the visual appeal. But, strong abs allow you to do so much more, including… Avoid low back pain  Enhance your stability and balance  Reclaim your posture so you move more...

Total Body Toning in 10 Mins a Day

Total Body Toning in 10 Mins a Day It’s the summer of strong!  To amp up your arm game, put some zing in your cheeks 🍑, and keep your abs in the game, look no further than today’s 10-minute total body routine.  In only 10 minutes, this...

4 Moves For a Strong Lower Belly

A Strong Core AT ANY AGE The list of ways to work your abs is seemingly endless. But when it comes to focusing on the lower abs, effective routines can be hard to come by. Just to be clear, you technically don’t have separate “lower abs” and...
Total-Body Density Training Workout

Total-Body Density Training Workout

Total-Body Density Training Workout To make any workout more or less advanced, you already know that you can adjust the amount of sets, reps, or amount weight. Another variable you may not have considered is adjusting the density.  Density refers to the amount of...

10-Min Quickie Abs

10-MinSTRONG ABS ‘Twas the night before Christmaswhen all through the gymAll the creatures were stirringto get a pre-Christmas workout in.The stockings were hungby the chimney with carein hopes that St. Nick would bringtighter abs this year.  If you’re...

Total Body Toning in 10 Mins a Day

Total Body Toning in 10 Mins a Day Bring your workout routine home for the holidays!  We’re all busier than ever this week. With just a little time, a little space, and (for me) a little music, you can you can stay fit during Christmas week.  Try this 10-min strength...
Calm a Holiday Sugar Habit

Calm a Holiday Sugar Habit

Calm A HolidaySUGAR HABIT ‘Tis the season for sugary temptation treats to be hiding around every corner. To avoid the whole month of December from turning into a food-fest, keep an eye on the white stuff… sugar.  Sugar may add a little sweetness to festive...
Calm a Holiday Sugar Habit

10-Mins… Strong Core

10-MinSTRONG ABS Movement is cumulative! Those short times you spend moving throughout the day add up to big results! Try “movement snacking,” which is breaking up your movement into brief, “snack-sized” portions. In less time than it takes to make your morning...