Need a Lift? Let’s Start with the Booty

Need a Lift? Let’s Start with the Booty

Need a Lift? Let’s Start with the Booty Say “hello” to better buns! Give your glutes some extra TLC with today’s 15-min barre butt workout that includes a variety of motions to target all angles of your backside… the glute Maximus,...
Gratitude Can Make You Happier for 1 Month

Gratitude Can Make You Happier for 1 Month

One Month TO HAPPINESS Gratitude not only makes us feel a little happier, but it impacts our health and brain. Pausing to experience thankfulness throughout the day can minimize symptoms that worsen diseases, make us more community-minded and help boost academic...

5 Under-Recognized Benefits of Walking

5 Under-Recognized BENEFITS OF WALKING Your doctor has probably told you to do it. I’ve talked extensively about it in my podcast. However, it may seem far too simple to have any real impact. This could have something to do with the fact that we’ve been...
7 Hamburger Bun Alternatives

7 Hamburger Bun Alternatives

7 Alternatives to HAMBURGER BUNS This month, I’ve been on a burger kick, and experimenting with a variety of different protein options, from turkey to black beans… from lentils to tuna. Today’s salmon burgers might just be my new favorite!...
15 Min Ab Blast

15 Min Ab Blast

15-Min AB BLAST If you know what you’re doing, you can develop the core you want  in 15-minute sessions. The trick to quick workouts is strategically planning smart, efficient moves instead of throwing around some crunches. Today’s routine is a...

6 Ways Sugar Fast-Tracks Aging

6 Ways Sugar IMPACTS YOUR HEALTH Maybe you didn’t even know there’s a link between sugar and aging skin. But there definitely is! It’s possible those fine lines and wrinkles are due to genetics or even too many fun days in the sun. But I say…keep your friends...
4 Total-Body Moves… RESULTS YOU CAN SEE

4 Total-Body Moves… RESULTS YOU CAN SEE

4 Total-Body Moves RESULTS YOU CAN SEE Kickstart your fitness journey!  Today’s 4-move total body workout recruits multiple muscle groups and trains them to work as a team. The benefits? Improved metabolism and balance as well as a reduced risk of injury. Plus,...

Fine-Tune Your Midsection (8-Min Abs)

Fine-Tune Your Midsection 8-MIN ABS A toned midsection is on so many women’s wish-list because of the visual appeal. But, strong abs allow you to do so much more, including… Avoid low back pain  Enhance your stability and balance  Reclaim your posture so you move more...

Floor to Sitting With Ease

Go from the Floor to Sitting WITH EASE =Whether you’re getting off the mat after yoga or getting out of bed in the morning, it involves sitting up. Today’s 2-minute video is a simple technique based on the Feldekrais method to make the process much easier....
Today’s Workout: Shapely Arms in 15

Today’s Workout: Shapely Arms in 15

Today’s Workout Shapely Arms in 15 Many times, barre workouts are associated with strengthening your legs and buns… which is true! But, barre workouts include plenty of moves to tone your entire upper body. From bicep curls to tricep kickbacks,...