10 Years Younger…New Science on De-Aging

10 Years Younger…New Science on De-Aging

10 Years Younger…New Science on De-Aging To Listen, Just Click Play! When it comes to the quest of living longer, I’m only interested in lengthening my “healthspan,” that period of life full of health, vibrance, and energy. I’m interested...

The No-Excuse Backyard Workout

Skip The Gym! 5 MOVES YOU CAN TAKE ANYWHERE This weekend, skip the gym. (Seriously!) Most of us focus on trying to find time for a 30-minute workout, and yet, moving throughout the day is just as important. Don’t get me wrong…the last thing I want to do is...

Strength Training Adds Years To Your Life!

STRENGTH TRAINING ADDS YEARS TO YOUR LIFE! A new study from the University of Sydney found a correlation between strength training and a lower death rate of all causes, including heart disease and cancer. Specifically, the risk of early death from cancer decreased by...
Great Glutes, Awesome Abs, One Stability Ball

Great Glutes, Awesome Abs, One Stability Ball

Great Glutes, Awesome Abs, One Stability Ball A stability ball is a powerful tool for creating functional strength. The key is using it the proper way! By tackling basic moves on an unstable surface, you engage more muscles…specifically in your core. These...
5 Tricks To Instantly Fix Squat Form

5 Tricks To Instantly Fix Squat Form

5 TRICKS TO INSTANTLY FIX YOUR SQUAT FORM Are you ready to put that cushion you sit on all day to work!? It’s easy to sit on your glutes for hours a day, and then ignore training them at the gym because abs and arms are on your priority list. But, did you know...

1 Move to Work Your Entire Butt Without Squats or Lunges

1 MOVE TO WORK YOUR ENTIRE BUTT WITHOUT SQUATS OR LUNGES FREE TOTAL BODY TURNAROUND DVD WHEN YOU BUY STAYING STRONG! WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING… “After working out with Total Body Turnaround and Staying Strong, I am able to keep up with my husband hiking...

1 Move That’s Guaranteed To Tone Obliques, Glutes & Hamstrings

1 MOVE THAT’S GUARANTEED TO TONE OBLIQUES, GLUTES & HAMSTRINGS If you desire a strong core that actually helps improve your overall performance, you can’t just train the muscles that you see in the mirror. That’s why today, it’s time to take a the...
Don’t Resist The Resistance Bands!

Don’t Resist The Resistance Bands!

Don’t Resist The Resistance Bands! What’s long, can stretch from head to toe, and will help you look fab in your summer tanks? That’s right…a resistance band!  You already know that they’re one of the best ways to increase your strength,...

10-Min Workout To Transform Every Inch

10-Min Workout To Transform Every Inch Excuses create more excuses… especially when it comes to skipping a workout! Research shows that missing just one workout increases your odds of skipping another…and another…by 61%. That’s why it’s...
Summer Body Plan

Summer Body Plan

Summer Body Plan Instructions: Holding a dumbbell in each hand, start with a squat: Engage your core as you slowly lower the hips toward the floor as if you’re sitting back into a chair. Sink down low, forming a 90-degree angle with your lower body and the floor, but...