Rear Dip Lunge With Tricep Kickback

Rear Dip Lunge With Tricep Kickback

Rear Dip Lunge With Tricep Kickback How to do it: Holding a dumbbell in each hand, step your left foot directly behind you, taking a wide stance, and bend your legs, lowering your torso down into a lunge. Be sure and maintain that core stability to prevent injury....
Bridge With Weights On Hips

Bridge With Weights On Hips

Bridge with Weights on Hips How to do it: Lie on your back with knees bent. Hold a light to medium weight on the crease between the leg and the hips. Lift your hips off the floor. Lift your right leg off the floor and then lift and lower the hips 15 times. Repeat with...
14 Days Of Fat Burning Challenge

14 Days Of Fat Burning Challenge

14 Days Of Fat Burning Challenge If you’re serious about blasting fat, my FREE 14-Days Of Fat-Burning Challenge was made for you! Every day for 2 weeks, you’ll receive FREE fat-blasting workouts, including clips from my newest DVD release, FastFit! CLICK...

14 Day Fat Burning Challenge – Interval Training

14 Day Fat Burning Challenge – Interval  Training 10-minute interval training from my Rules Of Fat Burning digital DVD Download Instructions: 1. Visit: Rules of Fat Burning – Interval Workout 2. Proceed to checkout 3. Enter the 100% off coupon code:...