Look Great In Leggings! Lower-Body Moves

I’ve packed today’s blog with lower-body moves that will help your buns, legs and thighs look toned from every angle (yes, even when they’re wrapped in spandex). Get ready to have every muscle in your lower body feeling lifted, shaped and defined!...

Little Black Dress Target Toner Workout

Little Black Dress Target Toner Workout It’s that time of year again…party-dress season. Naturally, the question pops up, “How can I tone up my trouble spots…before I slip on my little black dress this weekend?!” Well, today’s blog...

Lose Up To 5 Pounds By Christmas!

You might be thinking, “Kathy, you’re crazy. There’s less than two weeks until Christmas. There’s no way I can lose 5 lbs by then! Especially with the holidays right around the corner.” Think again. Even with the holidays coming, I know...

2-Mins to Complete Bliss

2-Mins to Complete Bliss This season is all about the things that really matter…family, friends, giving, and self-reflection. However, trying to fit in a calendar full of positive activities sometimes leaves us on-edge and a little stressed out.  Nothing else...