My brand new DVD is called “FastFit” for a reason. The number one excuse for not exercising is not having enough time, which is why I developed this time-saving approach to working out. My FastFit DVD includes five 10-minute workouts designed to give you maximum fat-burning results in minimum time (can you say “bye bye, belly fat?!”)
The FastFit 10-minute miracle program focuses on five elements that are among the most powerful factors when it comes to burning belly fat: speed, progression, resistance, angle, and function. This workout plan is based on the concept of progression –as you get stronger and fitter, the FastFit program continues to introduce new fun challenges so you can continue to see results – and avoid those dreaded plateaus.
Below, I’ll show you an exclusive look at one FastFit’s segments: Miracle Abs:
My newsly released DVD, FastFit, sponsored by PGX, is now available! Includes five 10-minute workouts designed to give you a flatter, firmer figure in the fastest possible time.
Let’s face it…life is busier than never before! That’s why I developed the FastFit approach to working out. My FastFit DVD includes five 10-minute workouts designed to give you maximum results in minimum time. Do these routines individually, or combine them for an incredible 50-minute calorie-blasting workout. No matter how much time you have, it all counts and it all adds up to incredible results.
Body Basics – 10 mins
Lays the foundation with simple strengthening exercises that target your abs, legs, buns and arms with effective moves that give you a toned and sexy body.
Total Body Toner – 10 mins
Target your arms, legs, glues and core with modifications to suite your needs and experience level.
Fat Burning Blast – 10 mins
This easy-to-follow routine will get your heart pumping and is designed to give you maximum fat-burning results in minimum time.
Miracle Abs – 10 mins
Trim, tone and tighten your abdominals like never before using the latest techniques to target belly fat and banish the bulge.
Stretch and Flex – 10 mins
Refresh and recharge with this total-energy segment. You’ll wake up your body and de-stress your life.
I am so happy to see you adding a team working out with you. This is what I was missing from Kathy Smith who I knew years and years ago. That was my motivation factor, where you collaborated and worked out with the team. Thank you. I will definitely purchase this one.
I feel the same!!! I always loved having the team with modifiers on all levels of fitness. I always challenged myself to go from being in the low modifier to reaching the highest potential in the team members doing the hardest work outs…didn’t always reach it, but the challenge made me work harder!
I have to third the motion — I, too, love the background exercisers. My favorite lineup, though, was from Kathy’s Timesaver and Functionally Fit series. The body types were all so varied which was wonderful to see. (I wish more fitnessistas would showcase the “rainbow”, so to speak.) Also, the crew was a bit older/more mature but CRAZY fit, which was super inspiring and motivating. It was such a wonderful blend of body shapes, sizes, fitness levels and personalities; it really was such a pleasure working out “with” them.
Kathy, you are SUCH an amazing instructor and one of my all-time favorites. You always seems to know JUST when I need a pointer on form and a tip on how to make it happen. You have such a way of describing how I should be performing a move and what I should be feeling that the light bulb is constantly going off over my head whenever I do one of your videos. Your “visualization” tips (ie: “Imagine there’s a . . .” directions) are especially constructive and THE most helpful pointers I’ve ever come across.
I agree Liz…I like the variety of body types…I always felt bad about have the “straight” shape…no waist so to speak and in Kathy’s fitness video’s we see all types.
I just received my Fast Fit DVD . I am 53 and a beginner exerciser , I have tried other DVD’s that say they are for beginners but Kathy is the only one that really teaches you and explains all the moves to a first time exerciser