Hey All, thank you so much for all the questions! It’s great to hear all the stories and I’m inspired by how hard some of you are working to change your life. I wasn’t able to answer everyone’s questions, but I will do these once a month, so keep asking. Email me at askkathy@kathysmith.com and I may answer your question next!

Q: Dear Kathy, I have excess skin and fat in the lower abs area having lost over 70 pounds over 5 years. No matter what I do, abs exercises, aerobics and weights, that area is not responsive. Aside from surgery, is there a way of firming up that region?

A: Congratulations on your weight loss success! The excess skin issue is a pretty individual one, depending on how much collagen and elastin you have naturally. No exercise is going to tighten your skin but there are some non invasive laser techniques that can have some limited effect. As for the fat, check out your diet – those stubborn areas are sometimes affected by eliminating sugars and refined carbohydrates – and if it feels right, you might want to talk to your doctor about trying a short cleanse to jumpstart your results.

Q: Why does trying to losing weight have to be so frustrating?

A: I don’t want to minimize what you’re going through – genetics and lifestyle play a role in how quickly you’re going to lose weight and it’s certainly easier for some than others. But having said that, if you get away from the “struggle” mentality and shift your mindset toward an entire lifestyle that’s more movement-oriented, you’re setting yourself up for success. Make sure you have comfortable shoes so that you naturally want to walk more throughout the day. Get a buddy system in place, recruiting friends and families in physical activities. And make eating part of the plan, too – sign up for a cooking class focused on healthy meals so you can start to change your relationship to food. Remember, this shouldn’t feel like a drag – so make it an adventure.

Q: I know what I need to do but have no motivation to follow through. I used to have energy and care about my health and appearance but more and more I am getting lazier and lazier….any magic pills?

A: I sure wish I had a magic pill but let’s try and create the magic together….First of all, energy starts with a good night’s sleep. So make sure you adjust your caffeine, sugar and television habits so you can get to bed at night. For the next week, get out of bed and do something immediately – make it a non negotiable part of your day, like brushing your teeth. The hard part is getting started. But once you get the feel-good serotonin and dopamine flowing through your system it’ll start to trigger that motivational muscle because you’ll become addicted to the healthy “buzz” that exercising can give you.

Q: What is your best dvd workout for rheumatoid arthritis?

A: “Peel Off The Pounds Pilates” is a gentle but effective workout, and “Power Walk for Weight Loss” is ideal for beginners.

Q: If I only focus on running and eating healthy, can I lose weight?

A: Yes! Make sure you’re managing your blood sugar by eating small meals and snacks every 3-4 hours. Focus on lean proteins, veggies, fruits and unrefined carbs. And running is great – just be cautious of overuse. Doing only one type of activity over and over can set you up for injury so I recommend mixing it up with some other types of training, too. It really starts at home. One of the keys to losing excess fat is incorporating movement throughout the day, not just for 30 mins at gym. Pick up a sport or activity that’s going to be fun, physical and will keep you going back for more. And when are ARE at the gym, hit the cardio machines to burn calories, and then grab a Bosu ball for a combination of crunches, bicycles and other ab exercises.

Q: What do I use at the gym to lose excess abdominal fat and what should I eat? …I am a 60 year old female and 50 lbs overweight.

A: It really starts at home. One of the keys to losing excess fat is incorporating movement throughout the day, not just for 30 mins at gym. Pick up a sport or activity that’s going to be fun, physical and will keep you going back for more. And when are ARE at the gym, hit the cardio machines to burn calories, and then grab a Bosu ball for a combination of crunches, bicycles and other ab exercises.