Here’s a shocking fact – 88% of older adults indicate that they’re not satisfied with their energy levels. If you fall into this category, there’s good news!!! There are simple steps that you can take – immediately – to build up your energy and vitality

So how is VITALITY different from “energy”? Well, if we go back to our dictionary, VITALITY gets defined as “cheerful readiness,” or “animation,” or my favorite – ZEST!!

Think of it this way: If our ENERGY is the engine, the motor with the horsepower in our lives – then Vitality is the KEY that starts that engine. Vitality is that eagerness, that “cheerful readiness,” that ZEST to get our engines running.

Energy lives in all of our muscles, our bones, our heart, our lungs. Vitality, I believe, is what lives in our spirit.

You want to be a VITAL force in your own life, and the lives of the people who you love… and what’s so wonderful is this: Vitality is contagious! It’s hard to be around a ZESTY person and not feel more animated yourself, don’t you think?

ALL IT TAKES ARE SMALL, SIMPLE DO-ABLE STEPS to gain this valuable insight and stop the energy zappers from sabotaging your vitality!

If you need a pick-me-up, here are 3 mindfulness steps for a boost of energy..

1 – Reframe Mistakes Into Success – Instead of thinking of something as a failure, take a fresh look at the situation. For instance, look at an event and find 3 aspects that were beneficial and positive instead of just focusing on the negative.

2 – Be Authentic –  Nothing in your life can work the way you want it to if you’re not true to yourself. Try pointing out three things you don’t particularly care for about yourself. Then, think of a positive version of each of these attributes.

3 – Circulate Flow In Your Body and Mind – Feeling 100 percent alive requires the freely circulating flow of movement and energy and fluids in the body. Anything that promotes circulation, promotes life. Take a 6-minute break throughout the day to energize your body from head to toe with this calming yoga video…