3 Tips To Heat Up Your Weekend
with this Guilt-Free Hot Chocolate Protein recipe (from my ReShape Weight Loss Program)

1 C. Water
2 Tbsp. chocolate protein powder*
1 tsp. unsweetened cocoa poweder
1 C. Water
2 Tbsp. chocolate protein powder*
1 tsp. unsweetened cocoa poweder
Heat water until boiling. Mix in protein powder and cocoa. Pour in mug and garnish with milk froth and dark chocolate shavings.*I used Shakeology protein powder, with 9g. of sugar and 18 g. of protein.
Heat water until boiling. Mix in protein powder and cocoa. Pour in mug and garnish with milk froth and dark chocolate shavings.*I used Shakeology protein powder, with 9g. of sugar and 18 g. of protein.
Get these recipes in your email every week
through my ReShape Program
2. Heat up your workout with this bellydance routine
(from my Flex Appeal DVD)
3. Heat up the bedroom with this sexy stretch
(from my Flex Appeal e-book)

Standing Spine Dance
Movement Focus: Circles and waves in spine
Time: One minute in each direction
- Stand with your hands placed on your mid-thighs
- Create a circular movement in your rib cage as if it were revolving around your spine
- Allow the flow of the movement to travel up and down your spine
- Feel how each circle meets your hips and spine. (You may want to take your hands and knees wider to facilitate the circular movement of your spine and hips.)
- Close your eyes and go inside, following the fluid, delicious sensation of your spine dancing. Imagine seaweed in the ocean, or a snake slithering along the ground.
- Continue for one minute; switch directions and repeat.