9 Ways To Make Your Workouts FUN Again

Sometimes, it can feel like every time you workout, you’re stuck in a rat race…doing the same routine over and over again. You’re pushing yourself, but you’re just tired of the same ol’ stuff.
You’re not alone! If you find yourself tiring of your regular habits, I’ve got your back….and your abs, and arms, and legs 🙂
For me, exercising is fun. When I head outside for a run, I start feeling creative and thinking about my next project. During strength training, I enjoy visualizing how my body is working. But I realize that’s not the case for everyone, and staying motivated can be a challenge. And let’s face it, if you lose interest then your commitment is tested and finding excuses to skip the gym can become all too easy.
Revise Goals
What is it you want from exercising? Working out can mean different things to different people at different points in their lives. It can make you strong, toned, and empowered. A workout can burn calories, get you in nature, and connect you with friends. You can exercise to feel young, alive, and sexy. The best part is that you get to decide what you need right now. You can shift and change your workout depending on how you’re feeling.
Kick It Up A Notch
If you enjoy what you’re doing, but wish you were getting better results, step up your program. For example, push your cardio by going longer or faster and adding some intervals. For strength training, bump up the number of repetitions for each move or increase the amount of weight. Either way, your muscles get the message that something’s different and they need to engage some more in order to keep up.
Work Towards a Bigger Cause
Grab a friend and put the fun back into your routine by signing up for a local race for charity! Working toward a bigger cause it helps keep you motivated because you are more invested. Last year, I ran a half marathon in Bridgehampton, New York with my daughter Perrie! And this year, I’m hiking Camino de Santiago. This 500-mile walk in Spain has been on my bucket list, and this is the year I finally check it off.
Take An Active Rest Day
By keeping your routine fresh and challenging, soreness is sure to hit. You already know that recovery time is crucial, but that doesn’t mean cozying up on the couch all day. You can actually speed up your recovery and help boost the recovery process by incorporating restorative yoga into your day. Plus, your stress levels will reduce, and your hormones will be more balanced, and you’ll feel revitalized! Relax & restore with this [6-MINUTE] gentle yoga routine –
Get Certified
If you’re a devout yogi, crazy about CrossFit or psyched about spinning, take your goals a step further and become certified as a class instructor. This will motivate you while helping you make friends and keep your routine at the top of your game.
Find Somebody Fitter Than You
Sometimes you may enjoy the solitude of exercising on your own because it’s a chance to decompress. Other times you might want someone else along for the ride. Having a workout buddy, whether it’s a friend, family member, significant other or co-worker, can inspire you to workout harder and keep you accountable for squeezing in a workout. #FITFACT: Working out with somebody who you think is fitter than you can increase how long and hard you work out by 200%.
Reorder Your Routine
Most of us are creatures of habit and fall into certain patterns, but it can be refreshing to mix things up. If you always start your workout by concentrating on your upper body, switch the order and work your lower body first. Then take it a step further. Instead of doing your quads first, exercise your hamstrings.
Exchange Equipment
Every six to eight weeks, change your exercise routine by doing something different. If you’ve been focusing on strength training, take a break and try Pilates or yoga. You can even use different equipment. When you go to the gym, walk by the big weight machines and reach for a band or ball. If you’ve been doing the elliptical, give spinning a try. Learning something new can keep your interest piqued.
Get Outside
Even during if it’s a little chilly, try to get in the great outdoors and work out with fresh air! Working out in Mother Nature helps boost both your mood and self-esteem while lowering levels of tension and depression. Just make sure to dress warm!