The Secret Of Life
Change in 8 Weeks.
You can have results or excuses… but not both!
When it comes to eating, having a consistent plan wins the day! Of course, there's always room for a sweet treat or your favorite slice of pizza, but it's important to have a plan you can stick in order to achieve your goals.
Eat and exercise in a way that serves you, serves your health, serves your body.... without going to extremes.
Finding your own unique version of consistency will be the catalyst to success.
With Total Body Toner, you get to experience different workouts and recipes, and discover the ones that work best for you. The small changes add up to big results!
Total Body Toner is a complete 8-week exercise and eating program that includes 2 months of daily workouts that you can watch from your computer, phone, tablet, or TV.
And that's not all!
There's also an 8 week meal plan that shows you exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack every day for 60 days.
• 60 Days of Workouts
• 10 Toning routines
• 9 cardio routines
• Day-by-day workout calendar
• Every meal, every day for 60 days is laid out for you, so there's no guesswork.
• 80+ Recipes With Unbeatable Taste!
Let's stay connected! Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for additional workouts, recipes, and motivation. It's a lot of fun. And, listen to my weekly conversations with leading experts in all things healthy. I'm here to help you appreciate your most important asset...your health! And remember, it happens one small step at a time.