Immuni-TEA Morning Volcano Shot

Why does it seem that after decking the halls, it’s so common to end up getting sick? Whether it’s the sniffles or a full-blown bug, it always seems to arrive after the festive season.
Since the days are shorter and the weather is cold and wet, we gather indoors and opt for public transportation instead of walking. This gives cold and flu viruses a better opportunity to spread.
There’s a saying, “the best defense is a great offense,” so here is the Simple 6 to avoid getting sick.
Manage stress by refilling your meditation
Get moderate exercise daily to turn on your immune system
Limit the white stuff (sugar)
Wash your hands and then apply a moisturizing hand cream
Be mindful of touching your face
Get plenty of ZzZ’s
To help bolster your immune system, try starting your day with a potent immuni-tea
Immuni-Tea Recipe
1 C hot water or green tea – loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants
1 tsp freshly grated ginger – boosts immunity with its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
1/2 tsp turmeric – among the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory agents
1/4 tsp cardamom – help protect cells from damage and slow down and prevent inflammation
1 Scoop KS Wellness Collagen Beauty Drink – Includes MSM which has anti-inflammatory effects, including increasing levels of glutathione
Optional 1/8 tsp black pepper – enhances absorption by up to 2000%, through the action of the compound piperine.
Sip, savor, and start 2023 in good health!