Keep Your Eye On The Ball!

1 Technique to Re-Commit If You’ve Already Broken Your New Year Resolutions

New Years Resolutions have been related to babies…they’re fun, but they can be pretty difficult to maintain! 🙂 By now, roughly 25% of people who made resolutions have already taken their eye off the ball and left their goals by the wayside. And despite good intentions, within the next few months, a majority of people will fail at completing their resolutions. But you can beat the odds! If you want to lose weight, goals are critical, because if you don’t know where you want to go, you can’t complain when you get nowhere. Let’s face it, it helps to have a plan to get where you’re going. Even though you’ve swept up the 2016 midnight confetti, try this 1 technique to get back in the spirit of the new year, and re-commit to your resolutions. I set goals all the time, work to reach them, then evaluate my strategy. I continue this process throughout the year. I even write my goals in the “notes” section of my iPhone so I can refer to them as a reminder. Goal setting is so important to me (both personally and professionally) that it has evolved into an annual event. Let me explain. At the beginning of every new year, the office staff and I gather around a table. Each one of us lets down our defense mechanisms and admits out loud what he or she really wants out of life, no matter how odd or ridiculous it seems. Since we do this every year, we get a good glimpse of where we are today against the backdrop of where we wanted to be last year at the same time. It’s like getting a report card on how we did in the last 365 days. In other words, we begin each new year by setting goals. After we’ve all established our goals, we take some time to rate each item on a scale of importance, from one to five, five being most important. We then take all the “fives” and explain the importance of those goals in our lives. For example, if the goal is to lose weight, is it for self-esteem, better health, more energy? The object of this exercise is to be specific: Deciding how our lives would be improved if we realized that goal. The more specific you get, the more motivated you will become. With the writing and the rating completed, we now begin sharing our goals with one another. This, for the most of us, is the hardest part. It means getting over your fears of how others will react. However intimate you think you are with your peers, letting them in on your deepest fantasies and desires takes some courage! Interestingly, as difficult as it is to find the courage to admit your desires in front of the group, in many ways it’s harder when you have to refrain from offering editorial commentary or explanation alongside each one. Such as, “I know I’ll never be able to do this, but…” Or, “I know I’ve said this one before…” Or, “You may think I”m crazy, but…” The point is, you can’t make your desires come true by constantly reminding yourself that they’re only dreams. Setting goals is the critical first step in creating your miracle. Stop now and pull out your phone, open up the note section, and take a few minutes to type out your goals. Be specific and think about what’s important to you. As we move through the process, you’ll be able to refer back to your goals to identify solutions and create your action steps. As an example, here’s what some of our goals looked like for this year, and how we ranked them. Notice how some goals were more important than others:

Ride a bike across America

Take piano lessons

Make homemade bone broth

Making my life less chaotic at the end of the day

Complete a Triathalon

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