The 3 R’s For Surviving The Holiday Feast Frenzy

Ready or not… Christmas is coming! 

It goes without saying that holiday cheer goes hand-in-hand with a spike in calories. My number one rule for holiday parties is to enjoy every festive gathering.

Rather than having a long list of do’s and don’ts, focus on celebrating the party. With that in mind, it’s only natural to go overboard. That’s not a problem… unless you can’t break the cycle. 

With a little planning, and help with a method called THE THREE R’s, you can celebrate, participate, and stay on track. 

The 3 R’s

Anticipate the upcoming holiday party and reflect on your goals. Consider what might go right (you only had one glass of eggnog!) and areas that have the ability to quickly go astray. Proactively identify potential pitfalls before the party. Then, be ready to recalibrate.

As you navigate the holiday spread, be prepared for moments of progress, plateaus, or even slight setbacks. Notice what treats are giving you the urge to go back for seconds, or thirds, or…..

Keep in mind that you can adjust your goals slightly based on your pre-party reflections. This is an opportunity for self-discovery, helping you understand what truly matters to you as you approach the festive celebration.

THE THREE R’S is a technique I learned during a podcast with Fatima Doman, author of Authentic Resilience. The podcast is packed with techniques for staying motivated when you feel like walking away from a commitment.

If you’re new and never heard the episode, or if it’s been a while since you played this episode, I recommend pressing play when you have a few minutes to spare. 

To Listen, Just Click Play!