

Lack of balance may be shrinking your world…don’t let it!

Having a strong sense of balance allows you to fully enjoy life’s adventures…from skiing to hiking…from yoga to walking.  

Your eyes, ears, brain and your sense of body position are the three main sensory circuits that work together to keep you in balance.

This simple, often neglected skill can have big benefits later in life.

Beginning around age 40, balance starts impacting your quality of life and longevity. 

 A recent study with 1,700 older adults found that 20% of participants couldn’t balance on one leg for 10 seconds or more. That inability to balance was associated with a twofold risk of death from any cause within 10 years.

If you find that your balance has shifted, or you’re noticing more of a sense of instability lately, here are three ways to improve your balance… 



When you’re brushing your teeth in the morning, try standing on your right leg for 60 seconds, then your left leg for 60 seconds. 

When you incorporate a new habit (like balance) to an old habit (like brushing your teeth) it’s called “stacking,” which makes the new habit more likely to stick! 


To do the flamingo, stand on one leg for 30 seconds with your arms relaxed by your sides. You’ll most likely use your dominant leg. Lift one of your legs, so you’re balancing yourself on one leg. After 30 seconds, switch to the other leg.

Now, jazz it up!

While still standing on one leg, start slowly swinging your suspended foot forward, back and out to the side. This is a dynamic action, so you’ll feel all the muscles of your stabilizing leg working hard to keep stationary.


In today’s 20-minute video, I’ll guide you through a series of dynamic balance exercises to recruit your stabilization muscles and activate your entire body. Dynamic balance is more functional, since it’s more relevant to how we move in everyday life. Imagine walking down the street and you trip, then catch yourself….this is dynamic balance.

You can improve your balance at any age!