Outsmart Belly Fat The Easy Way

If you want to melt extra fat around your middle and experience significant, lasting change, exercise alone isn’t enough. If you want a flat tummy, watch what you put in it. Abs are made in the kitchen, and 80% of what your abs look like depends on what you eat.

Imagine this… you’re stressed out, and you grab the first food in sight, which is likely full of empty calories, liquid calories, quickly-absorbed sugars or carbs (rice, bread, potatoes, pasta).

When you eat these foods, your cells slowly become resistant to the impacts of insulin, and in turn, your body becomes hungry and needs more food to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

This causes what’s called insulin resistance. 

Here’s what’s happening inside your body… your digestive systems start to break these foods down into glucose, the simple sugar found in our body’s tissue. Glucose rushes through the bloodstream, which signals insulin, the hormone produced in the pancreas, to kick in. Insulin’s job is to sweep in and distribute that glucose to various cells in our organs, muscles, and brain.

Those cells, in turn, turn the glucose into energy. The more often we put our bodies through this roller coaster, the more insulin we have to produce to keep blood sugar balanced.

This process varies depending on our own genetic makeup, but it also depends on the makeup of our meals. The type of food we eat determines whether our insulin levels stay nice and balanced, or whether they skyrocket too quickly, creating that infamous blood sugar “spike” we should try and avoid. That spike leads to a crash in energy quickly afterward, leaving us groggy and often craving more sugar.

Here are a few telltale signs that we’ve been on the insulin resistance roller coaster for too many rounds:

  •  Gain fat (especially in the midsection)
  • Vacillate between feeling anxious and tired
  •  Deal with various forms of inflammation
  •  See signs of premature aging
  •  May deal with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, and low sex drive
  •  Lose muscle mass

That first sign…fat around the midsection… is of special interest here. The excess belly is an indicator that you may have metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance.

By emphasizing lean protein, veggies, complex carbs and fat at each meal, you can step off the blood sugar rollercoaster and outsmart sugar cravings that sabotage your progress.

Enjoying well-balanced protein smoothies throughout the week helps slim the waistline and keep blood sugar levels balanced…especially when you’re in a time crunch!

Protein also supports weight loss because it causes you to feel full, making it much easier to leave the table. This is partly due to how much effort it takes your body to break down and utilize the protein. It is work (and work means energy) for your body to divide proteins into amino acids that are absorbed and transported by the blood to cells for use.

So,  the mere act of breaking down protein is burning calories and keeping your blood sugar stabilized in the process.

Foods high in protein also help you feel full because they usually contain fat as well. The combination of fat and protein can keep you less hungry between meals.

Ready for a dose of protein’s power? Stock up on these 10 nutrition-packed protein sources.


Grass-fed meat – Rich in vitamins A and E, powerful antioxidants

Wild-caught fish – Salmon, tuna, anchovies, trout, bass, flounder, mackerel, and sardines

Cage-free eggs – super source of protein

Organic poultry – Chicken, turkey, and duck are all good protein options and contain a variety of beneficial nutrients

Bone broth – Healing compounds like collagen, glutamine, glycene, and proline that have the power to transform your health. Good for your joints!

Free-range organ meats – Liver is full of an array of B vitamins, vitamin A, selenium, and folate. 


Greek yogurt – 23g of protein per cup

Lentils – 4g of protein per 1/4 cup (cooked)

Beans (chickpeas, black beans)- 4g of protein per 1/4 cup

Cottage cheese – 14g of protein per 1/2 cup

Hemp seeds– 4g of protein per 1 Tbsp

Chia seeds– 3g of protein per 1 Tbsp

Hemp seeds– 5g of protein per 1/4 cup (shelled)

Green peas– 8g of protein per 1 cup

Almonds– 3g of protein per 1/2 oz


The KS Wellness smoothie leaves out all GMOs, soy, lactose, casein, and sugar. And, its velvety richness will leave you feeling guiltlessly satisfied.

 20 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per serving
Gluten Free
 No Soy
 No Casein
 No Lactose 
 8 Billion essential probiotics per serving