Episode 59 | Danette May | Turning a SETBACK Into a COMEBACK

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You’ve heard the saying that “Life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re going to get.” And in that box of chocolates is bound to be all kinds of stressors. They can come in the form of career setbacks, financial worries, relationship troubles or death of loved ones. But through these emotional valleys in life, many people never focus on creating coping skills to meet these kind of life events.
In fact, researchers who study stress and resilience say that resilience should be considered an emotional muscle that can be strengthened at any time.
Today’s podcast guest, Danette May, shares her crushing story of pain and how she turned a series of setbacks into comebacks. Her mission is to sound the alarm that it’s possible to build resilience before a big or small crisis hits. She is a world renowned motivational speaker, and a #1 best-selling author. Danette is a gifted storyteller, and in her upcoming book, The Rise, she shows us the way to overcome obstacles and rise above life’s darkest moments. She also shares her journey from an unimaginable loss to putting her life back together again using what she calls the 4 hinges …daily positive actions that can create enormous momentum in changing your overall life and future.
In today’s show, you’ll discover…
• Techniques to feel comfortable living a whole life without disowning the shadow
• Specific steps you can take during or after a crisis to speed your emotional recovery
• Tips for working through the self-talk and negative thinking patterns associated with grief
• What Danette’s journey to a full life looked like, and how her values shifted after her son’s death
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Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Hi Danette. Welcome to the show.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Hi Kathy. I’m so excited to be here. So thank you for having me.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â It’s so fun to have you here. I’m going to refresh your memory. You and I met at a workout. It was called something like Workout in the Park, here in Salt Lake City, where hundreds of people would gather on Saturdays for sweat sessions, and it was being filmed by a local TV station. And from the moment I met you, we connected. We had a bond. And so I’m really excited to share with everyone this next stage of your amazing career including your upcoming book, The Rise.
I just want to jump in and get started. I know you’ve written about it, and I was fortunate enough to get an advanced copy of your book which, by the way, I have to say is unbelievable. I literally could not put it down.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Thank you for saying that.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â It is so good. And one message you convey so well in the book is this message about challenging things. And when challenging things happen in your life, they give us an opportunity to either crack wide open to new opportunities or to break down and just throw in the towel and give up.
So you went through a series of really disheartening and almost unimaginable experiences. I don’t if you’re willing to share kind of the point where you hit rock bottom or a bit of your story with the audience.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yeah. I’m really open, and I think the biggest thing I’ve learned in life – which has been a process of learning – is that a lot of my self-love comes from me being vulnerable. And I believe that is the case for everyone. When we use our voice and when we share – all of us – especially the parts we’re trying to hide, and then when we share, there comes a confidence with that, with time. And yes, I’m happy to share. And I have to say, I’m going to go back to my rock bottom.
But what’s really hitting me right now, Kathy, and I think a lot of your listeners who love you will feel the same. As I wrote this book about The Rise and about where I was to where I am today and all the in between of what I did to get to where I am today, I have to say, Kathy, you are a big piece to my rise. And it’s really cool to talk to you and to be able to share– you’re the first person outside of team that has a copy of this book– and to really see how instrumental– I remember sitting and talking with you, and I was in the middle of it trying to pretend I wasn’t in the middle of it talking with you. But hearing your stories, you were really pivotal for me to see, oh, I can get out of this. I can rise above this. So thank you for that.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Well, I appreciate that. And I concur that part of my journey in helping other people is early on when I lost my parents and went through a lot of trauma and tragedy. Sharing it gave me the strength, but I also saw that it connected with other people.
But back to you now. Tell us how this whole book project came about. But tell us what was going on in your life when I was sitting across from you at Park City roaster.
Danette May:                  I laugh because at that time, I still wasn’t in my mass of vulnerability quite yet. So I was kind still hiding a lot of the things that were really going on. But at that time, about five or six years ago, I had just come out of having lost my son and then going through this terrible divorce. As we all know, you hit a rock bottom. You think you hit it and now you can start to climb out. And what life does – and I find it to be more of a refiners’ moment – is that life drops another one out for you so that you can really build up the stem, and then the strength, and to really un-layer to your true character.
So I had lost my son at childbirth, which is all really in the book unless you want me to go into detail. I’ll just say I lost my son, which put me in a down spiral of depression and in an unknown territory of not wanting to leave my home, questioning who I was, my voice in my own head and by listening to it. And then I found myself really un-layering lies within my relationship. And just everything was starting to unravel in my life. I couldn’t even stop it if I tried.
So I found myself as a single mom. I had $47 to my name and I literally had what was worse than the $47 to my name was this head full of negative thoughts about my future, who I was in the now, the kind of mom I was, my financial ruin. I wasn’t going to add up to anything in my life. I felt so broken and I had isolated myself from everyone – my family – because of the divorce – my friends. And here I was single mom, broke as a joke and head full of just negative, negative thoughts.
So that’s where I was. And I had two choices: I can sit in this or I can rise above it. Because the truth is, is that we all hit those refiners’ moments and we all have those moments. And I had to make a choice. And thankfully, I made the choices that I did.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Can I just ask you? It’s interesting, we go through our first big hit in life what we think of as our mountain. Mine was the loss of my father and then my mother. But then we think, ok, I’ve gotten through that one. I can do anything. And since I got through that one, I can get through anything. But it seems like you had a series of hits, and you mentioned a few of them – the loss of your son first of all. That mother/child bond is so huge, and there’s the energetic, there’s the vibrational connection that’s very real. And that connection was unexpectedly cut.
And then you had these other losses. Did you ever think to yourself, “How am I ever going to heal from all this.”? Did you ever think, “I’m not going to be able to make it.”?
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Absolutely. For the first time – so your listeners are going to hear about it first – because I never ever actually talked about it. So you guys are hearing first. But I really found myself on a really dark night in the dark of the night when everyone’s asleep really thinking that I just wanted to end my life. And I just thought there was no hope and it would be better if I just wasn’t there.
I really never understood why people got to this point in their life. But I found myself there, so it was, once again, unknown territory. And thankfully I was talked off that ledge. But I think there are moments when we wonder if there is any hope and how can there absolutely be any hope. Because when you’re in the trees, it’s really hard to see the sun. And that’s really normal. But the truth is the sun’s always rising and the sun’s always setting. You’ve just got to get out. You’ve got to do these what we’re going to talk about, which is small hinges move big doors – these really microneedle movements every single day that will help you slowly crawl out of the dark of the trees so that you can actually see the sun.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Okay. So you brought up that phrase – I love it – “small hinges move big doors”. So explain what it means and where you got that phrase. I love it.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â It’s interesting. I heard this, and I don’t even know where I heard it. And I was like, “That is so my life.” And if you look at your door right now, you can see that you have this massive swinging door, but it’s held up by three hinges, for most people’s doors. These tiny, little hinges are moving and swinging this massive door to shut and close in our lives. And that is what I’ve hung my life on is if I can just be these small hinges and do the small hinge work, then I can move my life in a bigger way. So I’ve really focused on that.
And what that does for me and what it can do for everyone else listening is it gives you an opportunity to focus on one small thing instead of– and knowing that that one small thing isn’t going to move the whole door. You’ve got to keep working at the three things so that that big door which is your life comes into fruition or moves forward wherever you’re trying to go.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Well, I was happy to see that your first hinge was exercise or movement. And I find we’re so similar in the fact that that is how I got into exercise. I was in somewhat the same place you just described. I had lost my father, lost my mother, didn’t know where I was going to go with my life. Life seemed overwhelming. But it was tying up those shoes, and getting out the door, and going for that walk or, for me, it was a run, and then coming back and noticing the shift, and that the pain started to release a little bit, and I felt a little more buoyancy in my life. But let’s talk about it, because I know it sounds so Polyannish or whatever – get out and exercise.
When you’re feeling like, “I don’t think I can live another day,” how did you get yourself to tie up the shoes and get moving?
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Well here’s the truth: everyone has this inner knowing. It’s not like some people have it and some people don’t. Everyone has a voice and this feeling inside themselves that it’s actually beckoning you. So even though you’re in the dark of the night, you’re feeling this sense of, “I need to move,” or “I need to change something in my life.” You don’t know really what it is, but you know. You know there needs to be something different. And my voice was, “Get outside.” It wasn’t, go run or exercise. It was get outside.
And I imagine a lot of people feel that voice a lot. I think you feel it in your cubicles at work, I think people feel it if they’re driving a lot, and their cars are like, “You just need to get outside.”
And the truth is, we have to just listen to that voice. And that’s really the first step. So I listened to the voice and then would not listen to it. So I would go and try to put my shoes on. This was during my depression time. And then it took too long to tie the shoe, I talked myself out of it, crawl back in bed. This would happen a lot. So if you’re in that situation, then just know that’s normal. But if you just keep listening to the voice, keep listening and responding to it. I always say you have 17 seconds to respond to that voice or you’re going to talk yourself out of it.
It might be a voice to start something, reach out to someone, go do something that you know is going to dramatically change your life. You don’t know if it’s going to really dramatically change your life, but you know you need to do it, and it comes instantaneously. Do it. Get in the motion of it so you don’t talk yourself out of it. So that’s what I did, and I got it. I started moving.
And my back story was is I was into exercise, I was an outgoing girl, and I did know that exercise cured depression. But until I felt depression in my cells, it was my aha moment. Because I started to walk. And I was only walking. I was literally kind of shuffling. And I could feel all the emotions wanting to come out. I was doing such a good job at trying to keep them kind of down and under the blankets.
That’s why I think people are so adverse to exercise. I think we think it’s, oh, we just don’t like to exercise. I think that we’re so afraid to feel our feelings and to feel our spirit, which movement makes you do. It brings it to the surface, which can make you feel better. But in the moment, it can make you just cry.
So I really ask people to look at that because I think a lot of times, we’re fighting against moving our bodies because we’re really afraid to tap into our souls.
Kathy Smith:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yeah. I agree. I think that anybody that’s been involved with movement, has been in a yoga class, or maybe on a run where you just pull over. I’ll be in yoga, and I find myself welling up with tears and crying, or on a run and especially when I was going through a very difficult times and having to just pull over by the curb and just sit down and cry, because it was releasing the grief, and it was tapping into my heart center and, in a bit, opening up the heart. Because so many times when we go through grief and issues that cause trauma, we start to build these layers around our heart, thinking that we’re protecting it.
But it’s really not protecting anything. What it’s doing is it’s closing us down. And the exercise helped open me up. And I know as I started training and teaching other people, I would get that feedback over and over again. So I love the message, and I think getting started is one thing. And then staying consistent with it is another.
So tell me how did you keep yourself consistent with it? Did you have some sort of check-in process or something with anybody? Were there any techniques that helped you keep consistent?
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yeah. That’s a really great question. At that point when this was going on, I really had no one. And that was out of my choice. It wasn’t that anyone abandoned me. I just really had isolated myself. So it wasn’t like I was, “I’m going to call a girlfriend and go work out.” I didn’t have that. All I had was my voice and my knowing. And the truth is, we all have that voice and not knowing.
And yes, I wasn’t feeling awesome that first time I walked around the block. I was feeling emotional, and I was noticing my heart cracking open. But it was like that was a release. There was a release. And tears are just purification. They’re the sign for you to release and not have to hold onto it anymore.
That was enough for me. Once I did it, I just wanted to do it again. So it started, literally, with a walk around the block. I just walked around the block, walked around the block. And then it started to do more. This is the interesting thing. I think the more you do it and make it a daily habit, it starts to just become like brushing your teeth. Because if you get out of it, I’ve noticed that if you move out of brushing your teeth or move out of movement, then it is almost like this mind game that’s like, “I don’t want to do it.”
“Let’s do it.”
“No I don’t want to do it. I’m too tired.”
No one really has this gift of motivation that they’re just like I love working out. It’s because they have done it every single every day and made it a habit. So you’ve got to just start there. There’s no really easy button for it. I hate to say it but you’ve got to go two weeks consistently, and then it’ll start to feel a little better to where you actually miss it when you don’t do it.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Right. It’s making it non-negotiable. What I like to do is focus on the way you feel afterwards. Because that’s what keeps pulling me back in. And I think for so many people, it’s that tremendous high with all those endorphins, and serotonin, and dopamine, and everything going through your body that affects your moods. And you’re going, “No. I need my dose of high right now.” And that gets you out the door.
Okay. Let’s switch gears to another topic, which you cover in the book. And I know you have written a book on food and really a simple book to follow but very powerful. But I know that food has a powerful impact on mental health. How did you shift into – and shift your diet – to help balance out your mental attitude and your mental moods?
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yeah. Food is absolutely powerful and for the taking. The good thing most, people listening to this podcast have access to most foods. This is just the easiest way for us to shift our state, is what we put inside of our body.
And once again, it’s not this big debate. It doesn’t have to be this big debate. One tool that I have done, which takes out a little bit of the drama around food, because it can become a drama. “Oh, I shouldn’t have this, but I want to naughty and I want to have this,” all this mind game. I always just go, “What does my soul want? Is this going to give me more energy or deplete my energy?” Instead of being like, “This is going to make me fat or thin.” I don’t think of it that way anymore, which has really been a mind game for me as well as a lot of people that are in my programs.
Let me just give you an example. If you have brain fog–when I say brain fog, it just means you’re kind of tired, you can’t really focus, you feel kind of out of it like you’re a ghost through the day. That’s a little bit like brain fog. And food can remedy that instantaneously.
It starts with the morning. And one thing that I do, a ritual that I do that really kicks off day– and I can’t wait to talk about the power of words. Because I think this really helps with food more than with just food itself. But I always start with lemon water every single morning. There’s something about that ritual, because most people start with coffee. Coffee’s not necessarily all this healthy. But when you start with lemon water, it’s almost like this trigger of saying, “I’m going to honor myself today. I’m going to do this small thing today.” And when you do one positive thing, it’s like a ripple effect of more positive choices.
Also, one more other tool is this: instead of thinking of your whole day, “I’ve got to eat amazing today. I’ve got to eat everything right today.” One meal, or at least one thing I’m going to put in my mouth has to be living. And then if you make that goal, that is a win for the day. Usually, you’ll find the more living food you have such is like plants– I’m talking more plant foods. And you can make them very delicious. They’re all over the internet for free. Once you do that, that actually makes a signal in the body, chemically, that you actually want more of that. Plus it’s an emotional, honoring system that you are committing to.
But it doesn’t feel so daunting as, “I have to do a full perfect day or a whole week or a month if I’m doing this challenge,” or whatever you’re wrapping your brain around. Just say, “One time a day, I’m going to eat living foods only.”
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Brilliant. And I have to say that I have just started with a new drink in the morning. I always do the lemon water. I switch things up though, because I like variety. So what I’m doing right– and it is unbelievable– a glass of water, squeeze the lemon, put a little apple cider vinegar, little cayenne, and a lot of turmeric. I drink this.
And to your point, it completely transforms my mental state, my morning, my energy. And it gets my elimination going. It really is the perfect way to start the day so much so that when I travel now, I take those ingredients with me on the road because it’s that powerful.
So I love that aspect, and I’m right with you also with eating plants. So let’s talk about what we should be eating though. Because one of the things when you’re grieving, when you’re in depression, when you’re anxious, and you feel tied for time, we all know that people can go through decision fatigue where there’s too many decisions to be made and, “What should I make, and what should I have for breakfast, and what should I have for lunch, and what should I have for dinner? Should I eat this now? What should I eat for a snack?” How do you help to eliminate that decision fatigue so that people can get on track and perhaps not have to think so much about it and therefore, not be tempted to go for all the processed food, or all the sugars, or the fast foods?
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Well, the first thing is sugar toxicity is so real. And sugar cravings is real and it’s legit. And if you’re feeling that, you’re a part of a whole collective that feels it. And so the first thing is you’ve got to start to detox the body, because if you’re fighting against sugar cravings, it’s a really tough battle. I have to be honest. I don’t fight against sugar cravings during the day. It’s just not a battle I have to deal with anymore. And no one else really has to deal with it either. But you’ve got to take active measures, because sugar is so addicting. And most people, it’s so hard to even think of eating healthy foods because you’re just walking around craving sugar like a smoke addict. It’s so real that way.
So what I would suggest to make things really simple is to come up with a three-day plan. And maybe it’s a day plan. That is great too. It’s a day plan. And you’re going to have something living. The other thing I highly recommend – and we can get into this if you want to – but I think it’s been massive in my life and massive in all my clients’ life is raw cacao. Because raw cacao absolutely, if you make it in the right way with a little bit of honey or stevia or 100% maple syrup, is absolutely delicious, but it helps with craving scientifically. And it has a chemical called anandamide that absolutely helps you tap right into your heart so that you feel centered, so you feel more loving to yourself, to others. Everything feels a little bit easier to tolerate, to handle in your life if you’re dealing with a lot of chaos, as well as it helps with focus. And this is all scientific.
So raw cacao, to me, is the easiest thing you can start adding to your diet. And if you can tolerate it every single day and you can make a yummy hot chocolate drink out it. You can make a little yummy, healthy fudge out of it, whatever floats your boat. If you like liquid or something that you want to bite into. But it is so powerful. And so I would add raw cacao, something living as far as greens and lemon. Like Kathy said, turmeric, amazing. Because that’s what I would focus on for that day, and then you will find that you’ll just want to eat healthier foods throughout that day.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Let me tell you how I do the raw cacao, which I also love. I like heating it up and then pouring it over maybe a few blueberries or something that I’ve done recently, which I love. I’ll cut up maybe half a banana and I’ll cut banana slices up, and I’ll pour the raw cacao over that. And it just shoots me back to my childhood when my mom used to make chocolate-covered bananas. But it is just to your point. You’re getting all the great benefits and also satisfying your sweet tooth. So love that suggestion.
And I love these ideas that people can use, they can take away today and start doing them, which I love that about you and I love that about your book – that it’s not just theory. These are practical ideas that people can use.
But you mentioned this daily plan– you can do a daily or a three-day plan. Can you get back to that? What did you mean by that?
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yeah. Well, I have created one, and I imagine you have programs similar. But it’s like a day plan that lays out exactly– and you can get everything at a grocery store, because nothing’s worse than someone telling you, you have to take this and this and this, and you can’t get access to it really easily. Most of this food is actually in your home. And these foods are centered around super foods. Because what I’ve found in my research is that super foods, when consumed, actually will help regenerate all the cells, re-align the hormone balance in your body, the PH levels in your body so that you’re actually moving quicker through that brain fog, through all the different misalignments going on in your cells.
So I focus on super foods for that day. So there’s a three-day plan that I absolutely have, but a one-day plan as well is just incorporating these super foods. So I’m going to just name them really quick, which is coconut oil, which I use with my raw cacao and synergistically combine them to make a really healthy, decadent, amazing treat. And then raw cacao turmeric. Absolutely turmeric is going to help you– Kathy’s already mentioned that– and ginger, and lemon, and then greens, fresh type of greens. And I don’t care what kind of greens they are. Whatever you can get your hands on, whether it’s kale, spinach, beat greens, whatever. I kind of use that in a combination for one day and it completely re-aligns all the cellular memories.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I love it. And those are a part of my daily/weekly routine, and so I have found ways to incorporate all those super foods on a daily basis and get creative with it. So I love that.
I know our time’s limited, so I want to make sure we get over to one of your passionate hinges, which is about words and how words are powerful and how we talk to ourselves, how we let our thoughts run away wild or we start to direct them in a more positive direction. Could you tell us how you do that for yourself and how you help others?
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yeah, I want to talk about this because I think it’s actually the most important piece. And I believe it’s the piece that’s getting missed a lot when you’re looking at a healthy program. I think we talk a lot about food, a lot about movement and not enough about the power of the mind. Because the mind is going to dictate all of it – whether you’re going to choose that food or you’re going to choose to move your body. So our minds– and there was a study done about women in particular where they hooked women up on brain waves, and they found that women on a typical day had 15,000 negative thoughts going through their brain throughout the day like, “I’m ugly, I’m fat.”
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â That is crazy. Oh my gosh.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yeah. So 80% of these women had 15,000 negative thoughts going through their brain. Now this is powerful, right? So if you know this and most likely we bounce around in that 80%. Maybe some of us are in the 20%, hallelujah. But the truth is no wonder, people feel like, “I can’t stick with a program. I’m not showing up for myself. I’m not in the relationship I want to be in. I’m not living out the dreams I want to manifest,” because you’re dealing with 15,000 negative thoughts in your brain all day, which your brain, your thoughts dictate the direction you’re going to go. We know this through water, through plants.
There’s been so many scientific studies around the power of words just embedded in attention in water for example. So I make sure– this is a non-negotiable, this is an absolute must that every single day– and I make my kids do this too. Sometimes they kind of roll their eyes. But it’s like every day, I say loving words to myself. It may be when I’m out hiking. It may be when I’m just sitting at my desk. It may be standing eye-to-eye in a mirror if I really need that extra boost or I’m just sobbing and I need to say it. But there’s so much power in the words that you speak to yourself, because you’re made of 70% of water. So do not underestimate that power. And I feel like it’s this Holy Grail of information and no one really does it. And it’s right there for you to do, and it’s going to impact your life the greatest.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I think part of the reason why people don’t do it sometimes is because it feels inauthentic. And I think sometimes people have been told to repeat, “I am happy. I am happy.” And they’re thinking to themselves, “But I’m not happy.” And one shift that I made in my affirmations and my positive thinking is to stay authentic and state what is, but include things like, “I am enough,” and “I’m able to take care of my needs.” And if you think that to yourself, “I’m enough just the way I am, ” and then I build on that. And I hit different words. “I am enough just the way I am. I am enough just the way I am.” And I start building on that. Then all of sudden, that can become very authentic, and you can launch from a statement like that.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Absolutely. I love that you brought that up, because that is actually, I believe, the most fundamental core reason that we feel so many things is that we just don’t feel enough. So if you can start there because that’s the truth of our souls is we are all enough. But the dark part of each one of our souls is really wondering if we really are. So that is beautiful that you start with that.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Well, I think we mentioned this. We didn’t get a chance to talk much about it today on the show, but we talked earlier about our shadows in the term that’s used that we think people will think less of us if they knew who we truly are. And so we start to wear these masks on our Instagram pages, on our social media pages, in our life. And yet facing the truth and facing this what is known as the shadow– and for people who don’t know that term, it’s just this side that we all have which once you admit that you’re this whole person– and there’s some good sides to all this and there’s maybe some sides that we wish were not– that we could improve upon or just that they’re there. They happen in our lives. And once we start exposing ourselves, it can be so liberating from all of your anxiety.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Absolutely.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Let’s switch gears and just finish up with your Rise Event in Denver. Because you’re putting on an event that’s phenomenal. I can’t believe what you’ve done in the last two or three years, the people you’ve impacted. But tell us about Rise Event, when it’s going to happen, and who’s going to be there, and what you’re going to be doing.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yeah. The URL is TheRiseDenver.com for those who want to check it out. I have felt this huge call in my heart, and it’s been calling me for a while. So it’s in October. It happens to be October 13th and 14th. But really, more important than these two days is this idea around this movement of women coming together in a higher conversation.
So I believe that we actually have everything within us. I believe this. I believe that our voices are the most important tool we have to input change in the world. And yet we’re hiding our voices. We’re not speaking up in these higher conversations. And I also know that love is our highest frequency, which is going to be our greatest way to manifest what we’re truly going after. So I feel this call. And to bring women together in one place– because we know that we can talk about shifting, we can talk about growth, we can talk about all these things, but you’ve got to create the container. You’ve got to shift up your environment to really create the growth that you’re looking.
So there’s going to be a sacred container for us to come together in radical truth telling and unlayering and remembering, actually, our power, our grace and that love resides in each one of us. It’s going to be a lot of fun. We’ve got some amazing performers. And I don’t know if you guys know Trevor Hall. If you haven’t listened to his music, he’s absolutely brilliant. Ajeet Kaur, we’ve got some other spoken word, amazing speakers and it’s going to be a really, really powerful event, just really coming back to the remembrance of who we are.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â And you can sign up for the event at TheRiseMovement.com? Is that correct?
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â It’s actually TheRiseDenver.com, because it’s going to be in Denver, Colorado.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Okay. TheRiseDenver.com. And once again, that’s October 13th and 14th. And as a little bonus, Danette was saying that if you go to the event, you get an advanced copy of her new book. And that book’s going to be released the week after, so I’m assuming that’s around October 20th or so.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yeah. October 23rd. So yeah, everybody gets a book before anybody else.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â And if you don’t make it to the event, it’s not convenient or whatever, just go to anywhere where books are sold and pick up a copy of The Rise. You will not regret. It’s unbelievable.
Danette, big hug, big kiss. I love you. Thank you for being on the show.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Thank you so much.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I look forward and maybe I’ll even see you in Denver.
Danette May: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Awesome. Thank you, Kathy.
Kathy Smith: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Okay. Thank you.