Detach Mood From Food


Sometimes when you have had a stressful day, it’s natural to open the cupboard and find something yummy to comfort you.

Eating isn’t always about hunger.

Mood eating can be one of the most overwhelming issues for many of us. We often turn to comfort foods for reasons other than fuel, and distinguishing the physical need from the emotional need (especially in the heat of the moment) can be challenging.

To detach mood from food, start by identifying your own eating patterns.

Tune in to the foods and eating situations that often trigger overeating.

I used to be a chocoholic. If it was in my kitchen, it didn’t last long. One bite led to two, then three and four. At one point, I banished it from my house because there was no chance I could eat it in moderation.

As you reflect on your own patterns, you will gain self-awareness to help you make better decisions when the same mood loop repeats.

The goal is to reach a point where you no longer eat in response to negative feelings.

For example, if you find that you become cranky around 4:30 every afternoon, and you munch on something that you later regret, you may want to plan a 20-minute relaxation audio at that time, and have a light snack ready when you return.

This will help you come to a better understanding of your personal connection between mood and food.

20-Min Visualization to Help
Stop Stress Eating

A simple tool I’ve found to be a powerfully effective way to calm down and break away from emotional eating is to listen to this 20-minute Releasing Negativity audio.

Find the time that works best for you…It can be first thing in the morning to set yourself up for success, in the middle of the day when you notice a pattern of unnecessary snacking, or in the evening when it’s time to shut down the kitchen.

Following along can give you confidence to improve your willpower. 

Listen, relax, and change your patterns.