4-Min Workout for a Surge of Nitric Oxide

If you have 4 minutes (and who doesn’t) then today’s workout is for you. 

The genius of this routine is that it revs up your metabolism with easy-to-remember movements that are done at a fast pace while maintaining proper form. It’s so convenient, it can be done anywhere!

This workout will stimulate your body to produce nitric oxide for vasodilation… that means the inner muscles of the blood vessels react, causing them to widen out and increase circulation. This is beneficial for overall health because it allows blood, nutrients, and oxygen travel more efficiently to every part of your body. 

 It’s only 4-minutes long, so try to fit it in twice throughout your day. 

Your overall health depends on nitric oxide production because it allows oxygen, nutrients and blood to travel to all parts of your body efficiently. 

When you workout and your body uses all of its oxygen, it releases nitric oxide. It then opens up your blood vessels and increases oxygen and nutrient delivery to the muscles, which is essential for overall health.


Move #1… Half Circle Jumps180s

  • Place your weight on your right foot and pivot your body 180 degrees back to the left. Land on the left foot with a wide stance with your body facing left.
  • As your left foot lands, brace your core and squat down for two pulses. Sit back into a squat position, raise your back up just a few inches, quickly squat back down, and return to standing.
  • Keeping your right foot as the anchor, pivot 180 degrees forward, until your body faces right. When you land with a wide stance, do two pulse-squats.
  • Do 16 repetitions on each side.
  • Master move: Turn the pivoting into a propulsion (forward push): Instead of keeping the right foot anchored to the floor, explode up into the air.

Move #2… Spiderman


  • Start with a basic squat: Stand with legs slightly wider than hip-width apart; lower the hips down into squat position.
  • As you’re squatting down, reach the left hand toward the fl oor and the right hand toward the ceiling. Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed.
  • Press yourself back up to standing and then repeat on the other side: right hand now reaching to the fl oor while the left hand reaches toward the ceiling
  • (a) Master move
    Add some propulsion. Instead of returning to standing in between each squat, press up into a small jump. Be sure to land with soft knees after each jump.
    Imagine that the propulsion is being driven not by your feet, legs, or momentum, but by your core. This will help ensure that you maintain safe and proper form while still getting the most out of this—and every—move (b).

TIP Start slowly and gently and keep your core muscles engaged throughout the move. Be sure not to lock the knees, landing softly each time.