Naturally Boost Your Energy!

Learn What Your Adrenals Are And How They Can Power Up Your Energy

Hey, friends!

Have I broken the news to you all about my 2016 goal to ride my bike across America? At the end of the summer, I’ll be riding coast-to-coast 3,000 miles from Oceanside, CA to Annapolis, MD. It’s the world’s toughest endurance bicycle races, and it’s my New Years Resolution to live without limits this year! My team and I are still planning out all the details, but I’m currently looking for sponsors and places to stay along the way. So if you have any ideas, let me know in the comments below!

To prepare for the event, I’m racing my heart out at spin class five times a week, and next month, I’ll bump it up to seven days a week. And let me tell you…waking up before the sun’s out to go workout isn’t always easy! In fact, some mornings I feel totally drained of energy…even if I had a good night’s sleep.

Because of that, I’ve been doing a lot of research on how to amp up my adrenals, and the best way to combat adrenal fatigue. The medical community doesn’t quite recognize it as a disease but as more and more doctors are seeing cases of it, it’s definitely causing quite a stir in the health community.

But just what is adrenal fatigue?

It’s somewhat of a buzzword in the natural health world but it’s a bit of a novelty to some people. It’s too long to get into the details in this email, but click here, and I’ll share with you the 411 of what adrenal fatigue is and ways to prevent it from happening to you.

Plus, my Adrenal Reset kit is packed with gentle exercises to help boost your adrenals and feel energized all day long. And, it includes a 1-hour video presentation of me teaching you how to stay effortlessly energetic.

So if you feel tired even after 8 hours of sleep, have a decreased sex drive, or are feeling moody and irritable, it might not be you…it could be your adrenals!

Can’t wait to see you on the sidelines in my ride across America!
