Congratulations on downloading 30 Days Of Summer — my E-Book with everything you need to lose weight!
Here are instructions on how to download your files:
1. Open your email to your order confirmation. (The subject will be something along the lines of, " New Order #1000XXXX" (See first picture)
2. The end of the email will have a breakdown of what you ordered. Next to the e-book's name, click on the hyperlink that says "download."
3. You will be directed to login at Login with the details you used when you ordered. (See second picture)
4. A page will open up on that shows all of the downloadable products that you've ordered. Click the names of each item to download each one. (See third picture)
5. The e-book will open up in your internet browser. Click File>Save As to download this to your desktop or print it off. (See last picture)
If you downloaded the bundle with MP3 music, please see the instructions on how to download.
If you have any further questions with your download, please contact: Contact Us
Steps 1-2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5