15-Min Core Routine


A toned midsection is on so many women’s wish-list because of the visual appeal. But, strong abs allow you to do so much more, including…

 Avoid low back pain by keeping you strong and flexible

✅ Enjoy activities such as tennis, golf, kayaking, and gardening by stabilizing your core and adding power

✅ Sleep, move and sit more comfortably because of less back pain and stiffness

✅ Enhance your stability and balance which makes all activities easier and can help prevent falls 

✅ Reclaim your posture so you move more effortlessly throughout the day and look 10 pounds thinner

Keep your ab routine fresh with this 15-minute workout to fine-tune your midsection. It’s packed with ab-centric moves so your strong abs will be front and center.  Even if you have a strong core, this move will take your routine to a whole new level.

This is a sample of one of the off-the-charts workouts you’ll receive in the Flat Abs Over 40, an 8-week daily workout and eating program…. learn more about Flat Abs Over 40 below!

Outsmart Belly Fat and Change The Way You Age

Why is FLAT ABS OVER 40 so powerful? Because it incorporates the three major elements to building a strong core, having flat abs, and looking and feeling younger… and it’s all right here!

​Here’s How FLAT ABS OVER 40 Works…

​ABS-olutely amazing core exercises for flat abs…and designed for every fitness level! Flat Abs Over 40 includes the right mix of ab exercises that work together to tone the entire area from every angle so you can have a strong, sleek, midsection.

The 10-min ab-centric workouts focus on the muscles in your  “powerhouse,” which is everything that lives below your ribs to your glutes, including all of your ab and lower back muscles. Having a strong midsection makes a stable foundation for every other activity. Yes, that means it makes squats and burpees easier.

No matter how tight your core is, you still need to burn the fat that lies above (subcutaneous) and below (visceral) your abdominal muscles. Visceral fat doesn’t just give you a big belly…it can lead to chronic illnesses, some of them potentially deadly. And viseral fat is harder to get rid of.

You’ll tackle visceral fat with High Intensity Interval Training… the best belly-fat targeting method. People who interval train have far more fat loss compared with endurance trainers. These super-workouts will help you reach your goals faster.

Flat Abs Over 40 includes a day-by-day 8-week meal plan that takes the guesswork out of eating. Nothing could be easier, because the plan shows you exactly what to eat for each meal of the day. Plus, recipes that are mouthwatering, but not too-taxing on your time or budget. With 100+ no-hassle recipes, there are plenty of great options that you’ll be sure to love.

Only $37