10-Min “Miracle Abs” Routine

10-MinSTRONG ABS Since the normal touchstones of everyday life have vanished, maintaining your physical fitness is important to help bust through pent-up energy… especially when you’re feeling on-edge. Remember…movement is cumulative! Those short times you...

Free 15-Minute Flat Abs Over 40 Sample

Workouts ThatWORK! Try this free 15-minute workout from the Flat Abs Over 40 program to fine-tune your midsection. It’s designed to engage and train your  rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, obliques, and the rest of your core.  And, these moves hit the...

3 Lower Belly Moves

3 Must-Try LOWER-BELLY MOVES You’ve heard the saying, “abs are made in the kitchen,” but that’s no excuse to skip your ab workout! When it comes to the midsection, I get so many questions about the lower belly in particular, because that’s where we...

4 Moves For a Tight Lower Belly

A Strong Core AT ANY AGE The list of ways to work your abs is seemingly endless. But when it comes to focusing on the lower abs, effective routines can be hard to come by. Just to be clear, you technically don’t have separate “lower abs” and...

Best Ab Workout Ever

15-Min Core Routine FINE-TUNE YOUR MIDSECTION A toned midsection is on so many women’s wish-list because of the visual appeal. But, strong abs allow you to do so much more, including… ✅ Avoid low back pain by keeping you strong and flexible...

5 Best Moves to Tone Your Obliques

5 Best Moves to Tone Your Obliques If you’re looking to build a stronger core, you’re going to need to focus more than those front muscles that you engage with crunches… it’s important to think of the core as a whole.  Your core includes dozens...

How Much Belly Fat is Too Much?

How Much Belly Fat is Too Much? Try the 10-second string trick to see how much belly fat you have! Cut a string to the length of your height, then fold it in half and wrap it around your waist. If the ends of the string overlap, then your waist is less than half of...

Outsmart Belly Fat The Easy Way

Outsmart Belly Fat The Easy Way If you want to melt extra fat around your middle and experience significant, lasting change, exercise alone isn’t enough. If you want a flat tummy, watch what you put in it. Abs are made in the kitchen, and 80% of what your abs...

Step 1: Burn Off Belly Fat!

Step 1: Burn Off Belly Fat! Summer is here! Which means it’s time to lather up your sunscreen, grab your sun hat, and celebrate! There are all kinds of ways to get fit for swimmingsuit season…between walking, biking jogging, or walking across Spain on the...

10-Min Workout… Torch Belly Fat!

10-Min Workout… Torch Belly Fat! You already know that target-training is a myth. But this 10-minute “Miracle Abs” routine helps eliminate any extra weight you have hanging around your midsection. It incorporates HIIT training, which helps...